- Scientific Name: Pararchidendron pruinosum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen
- Synonym: Pithecolobium pruinosum Benth & Hook.
- Family: Fabaceae (Mimosaceae)
- Trade Name: Snow wood
- Common Name: Tulip siris, Monkey's earrings
- പൊതുവായ പേരുകള്: സ്നോ വുഡ്
- Native: Central & South Malesia to New Guinea, East Australia
- Specimen from:
- Region: Australia
- General Characteristics: Small to medium-sized tree, reaching 15 metres in height and a 35 cm in trunk diameter. The reddish trunk and lacy pinnate leaves give a pleasing appearance.The leaves are alternate. Flowers fluffy white or greenish, fragrant, though later turning yellow
- Taxon identifiers: