- Scientific Name: Pinus resinosa Aiton
- Family:
- Trade Name: Red pine, Norway pine
- Common Name: Pine red, Pin rouge , Red pine, Norway pine, Canadian pine, Hard pine
- പൊതുവായ പേരുകള്: പൈൻ റെഡ്, റെഡ് പൈൻ, കനേഡിയൻ പൈൻ
- Native: Central & east Canada to north central & North east U.S.A
- Specimen from: Cass Lake
- State & Region: Minnesota, U.S.A
- Collected by: K. M. Bhat
- General Characteristics: Trees to 37m; trunk to 1.5m diameter, straight; crown narrowly rounded. Bark light red-brown, Leaves 2 per fascicle straight or slightly twisted,deep yellow-green, Seeds ovoid cones light red-brown, nearly sessile. Seed cones maturing and opening in 2 years, spreading.
- Taxon identifiers:
- Other Accessions of Pinus resinosa Aiton